Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry

We feel that treatment plans for Cosmetic Dentistry should be dictated by the needs and wishes of the patient, rather than the profit figure for the dentist. We will outline all the treatment options available to you, with a reasonable estimate of various costs and life expectancy of the dental work. Be guided by your dentist in terms of what is feasible and achievable for your particular situation. However, ultimately, the final decision in any aspect of the treatment plan is yours. Some aspects of Cosmetic Dentistry can be expensive and it is important not to feel pressured into undertaking any procedure that you feel uncomfortable with.

If you are looking for the ‘Extreme Makeover,’ which may include reshaping the smile, repositioning crooked teeth, or replacing lost teeth, be careful which dentist you choose. Cosmetic Dentistry is like an art form and not all “Cosmetic Dentists” are good at what they do.